Strong Bad's Funeral
Check out the latest Strong Bad email here. I love the hardcore Strong Sad and Pom Pom!
I want to be cremated when I die... unless of course Kate can find a jar big enough to store me in?!?
How about you lot?
Toose rhymes with goose, moose, caboose but not with house so it's HOOSE
Check out the latest Strong Bad email here. I love the hardcore Strong Sad and Pom Pom!
I want to be cremated when I die... unless of course Kate can find a jar big enough to store me in?!?
How about you lot?
6:33 pm
Tags: Cremation, Funeral, Home Star, Strong Bad
Strong bad has been waning in funniness of late...
I didn't see the hardcore guys? Should I have clicked somewhere that I missed?
Click on 'zombies' when the paper does its thing. Enjoy.
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