Tuesday 19 June 2007

A Bit A Culcha

It could be said that the only culture in the Toose Hoose is to be found in the tub of yogurt in our fridge. I have recently proven this fact by adding the Justin Timberlake albums to our music collection (they're actually pretty good - especially appropriate listening for driving around in a black convertible!). However on the weekend, in stark contrast to the norm, we attended a production of Les Misrables by The Kings School & Tara with Kate's family...

... and it was really good. Great voices from the players and some awesome songs (some familiar). It reminded me of the few musicals I've seen previously with my family - Starlight Express (in London), Pirates of Penzance (with John English), Joseph & The Technicolour Dreamcoat (fantastic). Any secret musical bandits out there?

We also watched Cool Hand Luke (Paul Newman) - bit of a famous one. I liked it especially lines like "tell your story walkin' " and the National Nine News theme on the soundtrack (rip -ff!!!)


Libby said...

I don't think it is a secret how much I like musicals...How good is Starlight Express?! Les Mis is probably my fav. Chess is also a great one if ever you get the chance. And Cats. All the ones that were big in the 80s!

SamR said...

Chess for sure. Never liked Cats much though.

Anonymous said...

and we saw starlight express with the one and only CKT and the roller skaters literally had ramps in and out of the audience. Fantastic

Anonymous said...

and we saw starlight express with the one and only CKT and the roller skaters literally had ramps in and out of the audience. Fantastic

Anonymous said...

and we saw starlight express with the one and only CKT and the roller skaters literally had ramps in and out of the audience. Fantastic

Mattt said...

Thanks for building up the comment count Dad ;)

I knew you Ruscles were fans. I remember Sambo playing the Chess soundtrack in the car once - I'd never heard of it before that.

Libby said...

I think Cats may be more for the girls. Jellicle Cats is a very cool song though. And TS Eliot's poetry is what it is based on and that is great too. I remember seeing it as a kid and being allowed to go up and meet Deuteronomy in half time.

SamR said...

Half time? Is it a sports game now?!?

I think they call it interval - unless they're serving orange quarters in the foyer...